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My name is Hannah. Making art and jewelry has always been a compulsive act for me. These endeavors help me get outside of myself and tap into something deeper as I work to find and create meaning in this big old wild world.  It inspires unbelievable joy and gratitude to think of any of my creations finding homes with other folks! This website is a work in progress, keep checking back for updates and please do let me know if you encounter any hiccups :) 

Hello friends! I am so glad you are here! 

If you know me, you know I'm not a "delicate" person, and my beaded creations are meant to be well-loved and worn on your romping adventures. Let's be real, the majority of beaded jewels in my personal collection have been through *A LOT* and are still kickin! However, these pieces are made with tiny glass beads and to ensure longevity for your jewels, it is best to store them laying flat or hanging to maintain their shape. Try to avoid getting them wet. If you encounter any issues and/or need repairs, please email me and we can discuss further. 


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